Atopic’s Commitment and priority to Patient Safety,
The safety of patients using Atopic medicines is our highest priority.
Beginning with the discovery of a potential new drug and for as long as it is available to patients, our goal at Atopic is to ensure that the benefits and risks of a medication are continuously monitored by experts.
Regulatory agencies and pharmaceutical manufacturers use a risk assessment and decision making process to preserve patient safety.
Once a product is on the market, it is still important to report adverse events. This helps ensure that we have the best information available to make decisions about benefit and risk for a specific patient. It is important for physicians to try and collect all available information when an adverse event is first reported.
Atopic requests physician to report all adverse events, both non-serious and serious events, regardless of severity or outcome so that we can ensure that we provide the Physician the best understanding that we have about the risk profile of a medication.your patients rely on you to voluntarily report adverse events so that patients can be better served.
Learn how patients play an active role in medication safety:
Responsible role: Taking medications exactly as your doctor prescribes is the first and most important step on the road to better health.
Prompt reporting of problems: If you find you are not responding well to a medication or having any untoward reaction, call your doctor immediately and talk about it. There may be other dosing options or even other medications available and your doctor may want you to try something else.
If you are having any untoward reaction on your medication: PLEASE CALL YOUR DOCTOR IMMEDIATELY.
Safety From Discovery to Market Approval and Beyond
Well before a medicine is approved by regulatory authorities and reaches patients, it is rigorously assessed through carefully designed clinical trials to better understand its benefits and risks.
However even after thorough research in clinical trials, Atopic continues to carefully monitor for new safety findings, so safety evaluation does not stop when a medication reaches the market.
In fact, the monitoring increases – through collection of information from ongoing clinical studies spontaneous adverse event reports voluntarily reported directly by the physicians or the patients using the medication.
The Drug Contoller General of India (DCGI) has established a national pharmacovigilance program to monitor safety information of all prescriptions medicines.
Please click here to know more : http://www.ipindia.nic.in/